Perform hands on labs on how to design, deploy, and upgrade Check Point Security environments. Identify basic interfaces used to manage the Check Point environment. Identify the types of technologies that Check Point supports for automation and the purpose of the Check Management High Availability (HA) deployment. Identify the workflow followed to deploy a Primary and solution Secondary servers, basic concepts of Clustering and ClusterXL, including protocols, synchronization, connection stickyness. Identify how to exclude services from synchronizing or delaying synchronization. • Explain the policy installation flow and the purpose of dynamic objects, updatable objects, and network feeds. Understand how to manage user access for internal and external users.
Course modules:
- Advanced Deployments
- Management High Availability
- Advanced Gateway Deployment
- Advanced Policy Configuration
- Advanced User Access Management
- Custom Threat Protection
- Advanced Site-to-Site VPN
- Remote Access VPN
- Mobile Access VPN
- Advanced Security Monitoring
- Performance Tuning
- Advanced Security Maintenance
Duration: 2 days
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